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Erik Jacobson joins the psychology department as a field study instructor. He received his doctorate in clinical-community psychology from the University of South Carolina. He is a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist.

For more than 20 years, Erik’s primary focus has been intellectual and developmental disabilities in children and adults. He specializes in assessment and treatment of challenging behavior, issues pertaining to school and residential settings, and organizational change management.

Recent Courses Taught

Field Study in Psychology

Select Publications

Morgan, A. & Jacobson, E.J. (2019) Autism Spectrum Disorders. In V.G. Carrion & J. Rettger (Eds.) Applied Mindfulness Approaches in Mental Health for Children and Adolescents. (1st Ed., pp. 153-177) Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association.

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

Ph.D., University of South Carolina
B.S., Carnegie Mellon University


Alternative Approaches to Assessing Malingering on the MMPI-2

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