
Russell Marcus

The (APA) recently awarded the 新澳开奖 Summer Program in Philosophy (HCSPiP) a Small Program Grant, allowing the program to hire a pedagogy resident for the 2023 session. The grant was written by Professor of Philosophy Russell Marcus and Mercedes Corredor ’15, an assistant professor of philosophy at Virginia Tech.

American Philosophical Association (APA) logo 400x300 In their proposal to the APA, Marcus and Corredor said the pedagogy resident will “oversee special pedagogical programming throughout the program, as well as pedagogical outreach via collaborations for publishing and conference presentations.” The goal of bringing in a resident is to broaden HCSPiP’s pedagogical impact and improve the value of the HCSPiP for instructors and tutors, they said.

According to Marcus, calls for both the pedagogy resident and the inclusiveness consultant, for which the program received an American Association of Philosophy Teachers grant in November, will be posted soon. In the meantime, he and others involved in the program have been publicizing it in philosophy classes and have for anyone interested in learning more.

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