
Appointment-based tutoring is currently available. If you need help, please reach out to us at qsr@hamilton.edu. Appointment-based tutoring will be held in person, but if needed, exceptions can be made to allow for virtual tutoring.

Tutoring sessions can be scheduled on TracCloud or you can visit the QSR Kiosk for assistance.

Facilitated Group Study

Meet weekly for one hour with a small group of students from your class and a tutor. During these sessions, students are expected to work collaboratively toward a deeper understanding of QSR course content. Tutors will visit classes that have facilitated group sessions to share details on the times and locations for each group. To register for a session, select your course from the Choose a subject drop down menu and ‘Weekly Facilitated Group Study’ from the Choose a service/reason drop down menu, then click the Search button. Available sessions will appear in yellow, from which you can select the session you’d like. You may need to click the load more button to see all available sessions. Once a session is full, it will no longer appear as an option. 

Individual Tutoring

You can meet with a tutor individually for one hour a week to review QSR course content in the Center. To schedule an appointment, select your course from the Choose a subject drop down menu and ‘Individual Tutoring’ from the Choose a service/reason drop down menu, then click the Search button. Available appointments will appear in yellow, from which you can select the session you’d like. You may need to click the load more button to see all available sessions. If there are no available appointments, please click the Cannot find an appointment button and we will contact you about scheduling an individual appointment. 

Recurring Tutoring

After trying drop-in, facilitated group study, or individual tutoring, an individual may decide they need consistent tutoring for the remainder of the semester.  In this case, a referral is needed from your professor sent to the QSR.

Tutor Appointments

Peer tutor and consultant are managed through TracCloud (login required). Find resources and more information about the ALEX centers using the following links.


Jessica Kelly

Director of the Quantitative & Symbolic Reasoning Center

Help us provide an accessible education, offer innovative resources and programs, and foster intellectual exploration.

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