
The block H is the primary graphic for athletics and is restricted to athletics use only. This includes use by varsity sports, club sports, intramural sports and wellness initiatives.

When a block H and athletics wordmark lockup is used in any of the aforementioned capacities, athletics graphic identity style guidelines must be followed. Official graphics files should always be used; it is never permissible to alter, add additional components, create new color variations or attempt to re-create this graphic.

Lockup options; varying sizes with wordmark on top or bottom

When using the block H and the athletics wordmark together, choose one of the options below. Please refer to the desired option by number when requesting the official graphic from the Communications office, e.g. block H and athletics wordmark lockup number 7. These are the ONLY approved variations. Please do not attempt to re-create or modify these options. 

Block H Wordmark lockup

Color options

• Blue   • Buff   • White   • Black   • Gray   — are the only colors permitted with ANY use of athletics graphics. 

The color options are shown below. Please note that the primary College color is Continental blue and it is always the preference to include this blue in the presentation of graphics. Ideally an item using the graphics on a black background would have blue present elsewhere on the item, for example a black jacket with the graphics as shown below on the black background might have blue side panels, or the bottom half of the jacket could be blue. Graphics placed on shades of grey should follow the images shown below.

Block H Wordmark colors

Lockup options with arched wordmark

When using the block H and the athletics arched wordmark together, choose one of the four options below. Please refer to the desired option by number when requesting the official graphic from the Communications Office. These are the ONLY approved variations. Please do not attempt to re-create or modify these options.

Block H Wormark arch sizes

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